Take the Tour - Membership Subscriptions
Collecting member subscriptions is often the biggest headache an administrator has. We have a solution for you to collect subscriptions from new and current members which is simple to set up and cheap to use. Harnessing the powerful tools offered by GoCardless you can collect one off subscription payments, instalments and even set up annual recurring payments if required.
We know that some of your members may not be internet users, or prefer to pay cash or cheque. We have addressed this so you can set up your application to generate pdf invoices which you can email to members or print and distribute. Once payment is received you can manually update the member’s account to reflect payments received.
Some of the features you can enjoy:
- Set one date for subscription renewal
- Members receive email reminders leading up to renewal with link to renewal page
- Group chooses between collecting payment at point of renewal or later via a web page
- Use of GoCardless technology to collect payments
- Simple to access reports on member registration status
- Head member pays for all family memberships in one simple webpage payment